Ding ding…Round Two = Lockdown 2.0

Here in the UK we are one week into our second National lockdown. If this is your reality right now, how are you getting on with it? How did the first lockdown shape you and prepare you for this one. I stopped my regular sea swimming as that was not on the approved exercise list but this time, I was determined to carry on swimming as I knew that it was part an important addition to my physical and mental health toolkit. Thanks to my highly organised sea swimming buddy (and official photographer!) Mark has been logging our swims and I found out this week that since the easing of the lockdown in June I have swam 68 times!

Over the last week I have been swimming most days embracing an early morning start, often timed around the sunrise so we can actually see what we’re doing! I can honestly say it is such a perfect start to the day. It’s great to have an excuse to get out of bed as I do love sleeping so I would happily sleep until morning given half a chance.

Here’s some of the recorded personal benefits that I found on the web:-

  • It boosts your immune system
  • You get a a natural high from the endorphins activated by the cold water
  • It improves your circulation
  • It burns calories
  • It reduces stress so great to help manage anxiety and depression
  • It increases your libido

Have you experienced anymore?

Although these are anecdotal and there is limited scientific evidence of the benefits of cold-water immersion if you were to ask a passionate cold water swimmer I reckon you’ll be ready to jump into a body of cold water in no time! No? Give me a call!!

For me, connecting with nature is a magical experience. Sea swimming helps me dive right into its beauty and healing energy. I walk over to the beach, connecting to the Earth under my feet (barefoot when the weather permits). Some mornings we get a glimpse of the Moon, shining off the Sun; other days there’s a mystical mist enveloping the Common, hiding the Sea, the Solent and the Isle of Wight in the distance. Pinks, yellows and oranges bouncing off the eclectic mix of cloud formations as the Sun rises over the City. And this is all before I get into the water!

Sunrise over the City – photo credit Mark

Some days the water is calm, like a millpond, others it is choppy and wild, just like my mind sometimes! I’ll be honest though, getting in during the colder months can be a mental feat – but knowing how good you feel once you’re in and afterwards for the rest of the day is enough to quieten the monkey brain and face the impending shock. You feel like a superhero once you’re submerged though!

It’s like a big bath some days – photo credit Mark

The social aspect when we can all meet up is such a gift, seeing friends and making new friends is another highlight and gives another dimension to its benefits. We’re all nutters together as some people have pointed out! They’re definitely my kind of crazy!

Getting changed afterwards can be a giggle or a challenge whichever way you look at it. I’m still mastering the fine art of getting changed in a dry robe – not flashing, not getting my long hair caught in my top, staying upright while keeping my socks dry is a sign of success. Who knew sea swimming would help my sense of balance, coordination and patience!

I didn’t sea swim during the first lockdown but looking back, I wish I had been able to continue doing it. What do you wish you’d done differently last time in lockdown to help your mental and physical health? How would it help you this time? How can you start doing it now so that you give yourself the best chance to stay balanced during these unprecedented times?

I look forward to reading your comments below. Please share with any like minded sea swimmers, people you know who are curious about it or people need some inspiration on thriving during Lockdown 2.0

September – dates for the diary

Whether you’re looking for ideas or inspiration to look after your own wellbeing, that of other people, animals or our beautiful earth, here’s some universal, global and more local dates for you to explore and play around with during September. 

Even though I have been out of the schooling system for some time now, September remains a time of year for me to consider where I am going in life and how I’m going to get there, a time for starting afresh. A bit like New Year, when passionate intentions and resolutions get set, hopeful that this year will be different and they’ll actually get done.   Who else fondly remembers the focus and excitement that the new school year brought them and does it still cause this reaction? If so, what do you do at this time of year?  Before researching this blog post I wrongly assumed that all countries around the world started school around this time, but guess what? They don’t. Many start in January, February or even March.  If you live in one of these country’s, do you also get the school start buzz at the start of these months?

So, back to September!

Every week 11 million items of clothing end up in landfill. Unsurprisingly, throwaway fashion is putting increasing pressure on our planet and its people – it’s unsustainable and it’s unethical. When you join Oxfam’s #SecondHandSeptember at www.oxfamapps.org/secondhandseptember they’ll give you all the shopping tips, styling tricks and inspiration to say no to new clothes for 30 days.

I have been buying the majority of my clothes from charity and vintage shops for a while now and I love it. You never know what gems you’re going to find.

1st September – Islamic New Year

Happy New Year to all our Muslim friends around the world.  If you’re celebrating please comment below and let us know how how you traditionally spend today, open a window onto your world for us to understand what this day typically looks and feels like for you.   

2nd – 6th September – Zero Waste Week 

Founded in 2008, the Zero Waste Week team help individuals, businesses, organisations, schools, universities and community groups reduce landfill waste, save money and preserve resources. Go to http://www.zerowasteweek.co.uk to find out how you can get involved and for the inspiration and support for the zero waste approach to be part of your everyday life. 

5th September – International Day of Charity 

There’s so many incredible charities doing important work, that need all kinds of resources to help them achieve their mission and vision to do good in the world.  Whether it is giving money, sharing social media posts, volunteering your time or offering your skills what could you do to help a charity that you’re passionate about to help the people, animals and the Earth they have pledged to support?  

16th September – 22nd September – Sexual Health Week 

“Let’s talk about Sex, baby” this years focus of the campaign now run by Brook, is on normalising the conversation around sex, disability and relationships and supporting professionals to better equip the young people they work with. Even if this topic isn’t relevant to you, it’s fair to say that a healthy attitude around sex is so important for us to thrive in this world.  When was the last time you checked in with yourself and explored your beliefs around this subject, knowing where they came from and whether they’re helping you live your best life and fully express yourself. 

13th -17th September – London Fashion Week
I have never been much of a follower of fashion but this year I am very keen to see what eco and ethical advancements are showcased when the eyes of the global fashion world are on the UK.  Let’s shine a light on the innovators, designers, materials and manufacturing processes which are creating waves in the fashion industry.  

14th September – Full Moon, 5.32am BST 

What are your beliefs around how the moon affects our behaviours, who helped shape those beliefs? How valid are they or are you ready to explore things with a fresh perspective?  Tune into how you feel and what you think, say and do around this time, observe how other people are being too.  Are there patterns?  How can you use this info at next months full moon to make your life easier? Help life flow more?

21st September – International Day of Peace

Wouldn’t it be nice if every day was a global day of peace. When we lived in harmony with ourselves, family, friends, neighbours near and far.  On home soil and abroad.  I am an optimist and like Alice in Wonderland, “sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast”, world peace being one of them but I do believe it is possible one day.  As Napoleon Hill so eloquently says, “what the mind of man can perceive and believe, it can achieve” and when groups of people come together with a common vision and goal, they can move mountains. I know I am one person amongst many who share my dream.  Now is as good a time as any for peace, love and harmony in the world and I think it starts with us, individually. Where can you find peace in your life? With whom and where can you extend the olive branch. How relaxed would you feel if things were a little bit different, better in this area? 

23rd September – Spring or Autumn Equinox, depending on where you are in the world. What does this Season change mean to you, how did you learn what it means and how to connect with it? What are the beauty, gifts and gains of this Seasonal change to you?  The start of Autumn for me is a time for harvest, of reaping the fruits of what has been planted, nurtured and cared for in the past, while aligning to the natural rhythms of the Earth.  Fruit, veg or goals and dreams – the process is still the same.  Planting seeds in Spring, waiting patiently for time to pass and harvest in Autumn. 

25th September – National Fitness Day

With an overall aim to get more people active to improve the health of Nation, UK Active hope that by encouraging people from all walks of life, activity levels, and interests to share what fitness means to them, it will inspire others to live healthier and happier lives through being active.  If you get involved and want to share your activities on social media, use the following tags #Fitness2Me #FitnessDay @FitnessDayU @ukactive

 28th September – New Moon 19.26 BST
Like the Full Moon earlier this month, I invite you to explore your energy levels in the days leading up to and just after the New Moon.  There’s lots of amazing people who create social media posts, vlogs and blogs forecasting the energy of moon cycles.  Learn from them if you feel inspired but most importantly, take time to develop your own personal relationship with the moon. It’s a pretty good teacher. 

Whether you’re reminiscing about the good ole start of school days, focusing on new or existing goals or you’re facing the challenges of parenthood that come with the start of the new school year I hope that you set the intention to do what your soul needs for you to thrive mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and sexually this month to help you master your energy, ride the waves of your life and thrive.  As you do, become aware of the waves you’re creating for yourself from your choices, for other people, animals and the earth.  You may be just a drop of water in the ocean of life but with regular, consistent action, your thoughts, words and actions soon become waves, small at first that will grow.  Are you creating waves that you’d like to people, animals or the earth to ride or do you need to make some changes?  I hope these dates and campaigns will help you on your journey to being an enlightened, positive wave maker and they help you perceive the world within and around you from a more conscious and awakened perspective while having fun.

Photo credit @craytive @pexels




July – dates for the diary 

Photo credit @rawpixel
So, how did you find my first monthly instalment of key dates to watch out for in June? What did you like about it and what would you like more of? Here’s some dates for July to help you ride the waves of life – either looking after yourself, other people, animals or the Earth. 

July is plastic free month – how are your habits for living as plastic free as possible? Have you mastered the art of navigating these modern plastic full waters or do still you have a bit of work to do? I’m going to do an audit over the month and see where there’s room for improvement. I’ve got my take away coffee cup, my copper water bottle, shampoo bars, Argan oil conditioner in a glass jar, glass jar deodorant & I use soap rather than shower gel. I wonder what I’ll learn over the coming month. What are you going to commit to doing to reduce the amount of single use plastics you consume?

2nd July, 20.16 GMT – New moon – check local time for your location in the world 

2nd July – Lunar eclipse in the Southern Hemisphere. What do these mean to you from your experience and in your culture? Why not find out what times happening and take a moment to tune into yourself and explore what you’re feeling at the time of the eclipse?

This energy is supportive of getting clear on your goals, dreams and intentions.the moon has such an impact on tides so it’s only natural it has an impact on us humans made of so much water. Explore how you feel around this time – connect with her. Chat to her like a friend, tune into your intuition – all the wisdom is within you when you silence the monkey mind. 

11th July – World Poulation Day 

This year’s World Population Day calls for global attention to the unfinished business of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development. Twenty-five years have passed since that landmark conference, where 179 governments recognized that reproductive health and gender equality are essential for achieving sustainable development. On World Population Day, advocates from around the world are calling on leaders, policymakers, grassroots organizers, institutions and others to help make reproductive health and rights a reality for all. 

12-21 Love Parks Week

Love Parks Week encourages everyone to get out and enjoy their favourite park, helping to protect them for future generations.  Where’s your favourite park? I love Stansted Park in Rowlands Castle. Tag us on Instagram if you go to yours. 

14th July – World Chimpanzee Day

Photo credit Public Domain Photo @pexels

This is the first World Chimpanzee Day, a celebration of chimpanzees and an opportunity to raise awareness about the vital need for worldwide participation in their care, protection, and conservation in the wild and in captivity. 

18th July – Nelson Mandela International Day 
November 2009 – in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom, UN General Assembly declared 18 July “Nelson Mandela International Day. It recognizes Mandela’s values and his dedication to the service of humanity in conflict resolution; race relations; promotion and protection of human rights; reconciliation; gender equality and the rights of children and other vulnerable groups; the fight against poverty, the promotion of social justice. The resolution acknowledges his contribution to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world. The day aims to inspire people to make the world a better place and make a difference in their communities. Comment below if you’re doing something or tag us on Instagram so we can celebrate your good work. 

25th July, 22.38 GMT – Full moon – check local time for your location in the world 

This is a good time to consciously choose to let go of anything or person who not serving ryour highest good. Again, take time to become aware of how you feel at this time, let moon wisdom move you forward in life. Harness its energies to ride the waves of life. It can get intense at full moons but you can remain centred, grounded and connected. Just take it one moon at a time, learn from more experienced people and learn to trust your experience. It’s natural, primal even, our ancestors were so connected to the earth and its cycles, with practice we too can regain that knowledge. Have fun and feel free to share your experiences below in the comments. 

30th July – World Friendship Day 

Pick up the phone, arrange a catch up, send a card – life’s too short – tell your friends you love em. Life is so busy for many people, seemingly living a full social media enhanced life but nothing beats a bit of real time contact. That friend you’ve lost touch with for no reason, why not reach out and see how they are. 

Have a great month – what dates are important to you this month, helping you know yourself, enhance your energy and make you feel good. We’d love to hear why and what they are 

Guest blog:- Charlie Fry on her journey seeking the expansion of consciousness

A friend recently messaged me for some tips about attending Unearthed Festival, a celebration of the expansion of consciousness, from the material to the ethereal. Once I’d imparted all my wisdom (😉),  I mentioned that I’ve been thinking about doing some blog posts about festival season from a surfing the sea of life perspective and whether she’d be up for getting involved. I was absolutely thrilled when she sent this brilliant post through a few days later…………..

Take it away Charlie…….

In August of 2018 we booked a family holiday for January 2019. I decided that before we went I wanted to improve my physical health. I didn’t feel like “Me” any more. I had gotten too heavy (for my 4ft 11inch frame). I was uncomfortable and unhappy. I didn’t want to go on holiday feeling like I’d be judged for my size. (I know we shouldn’t worry what other’s think, but we all do)
So I began to change the way I ate. I never called it a “diet”, more of a complete change in my approach to food. Both my husband and I stopped having take away dinners, swapped “naughty” snacks for fruit and low calorie snacks. Slowly, but steadily, the weight came off. In between August of last year and January of this year I lost 3 stone. I dropped 4 dress sizes.

Just before our holiday I decided to try out Yoga classes, my gym runs two a week, Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings. I knew the physical benefits of Yoga, and wanted to explore the mental benefits. So off I went with my yoga mat in hand. My first class was a killer. I ached for days. I could barely do half the poses. But I continued to go every week, twice a week. Over time I found myself getting stronger. My balance is now quite impressive. I can almost do the splits (which has made my teacher very jealous as she struggles with them). I can stand in the Lord of the Dance pose without wobbling. My half moon is almost perfect. I am flexible and strong, both physically and mentally. I have fallen in LOVE ❤. I have found a love for meditation also. I’ve never been particularly spiritual. But the benefits to taking time for yourself are incredible.

My Grandad had been suffering with dementia for over 5 years, we lost him on the 10th March this year. As a thank you for everything we had done my Nan gave us £300. I had no idea what to do with it. I didn’t want to just buy another “thing”. (We’ve been Marie Kondo-ing the house so I didn’t want to add more stuff back into it). I knew I wanted to spend it on an experience.

Then, on the 21st March I read a post from Surfing the Sea of Life, about the Unearthed Festival. It triggered a vague memory of seeing a post about it last year. It also triggered a desire. I just knew that it was the Universe telling me that I should use the money for the festival! So I booked two weekend tickets. It just felt so “right” to use the money in this way. I then found out that my Grandad had been stationed in Pembrokeshire, so that made it even more “right”!

And so my journey to Unearthed began with a desire to get back to “Me”. A single Yoga class. And the loss of my Grandad. All these things, good and bad have guided me to this point.

Even my husband, who won’t even dance at family parties, has said he can’t wait to go and dance in a field with no shoes on! I’m very much looking forward to being in a safe space, where nobody will judge, where we are all there for the same thing. To have fun, to relax, to just be us. There are so many prayers, meditations and yoga sessions that I intend on going to. I want to explore all the sound healing and drumming. I think I’m going to spend a lot of time in the Healing Area!

Guest blog post by Charlie Fry, Director of http://www.adnilcreations.com

For the low down on the festival go to https://www.unearthedfestival.co.uk and check out their social media for the latest news

Comment below if you’ve been or are going to this festival this year. Let’s have a dance. 💃

June – dates for the diary 

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to do a monthly round up of key dates for the month ahead. Drum roll please…….here it is! Whether you’re looking for ideas to look after your own wellbeing, that of others, animals or the earth, here’s some universal, global and more local dates and ideas for you to explore and play around with. If you’re not in the area, look out for similar things happening nearer to you. 

1st June – Fitness Festival – Castle Fields, Southsea, Hampshire. 9am-5pm 

A one of a kind event which inspires and celebrates healthy and active lifestyles. With 100+ workouts, workshops & activities to try, like stand up paddle boarding and talks from inspirational speakers, there’s something for everyone. Full details at www.fitnessfestivals.com

3rd June – New Moon phase 

Many people, groups and cultures work regularly with the moon cycles. New moons are seen as a time for new beginnings, a good time for getting honest with yourself about your hearts desires and setting the intention to start things in motion & make them a reality. 

Check out www.timeanddate.com to find out what time it is where you live. Why not keep a diary and see how you feel around the different moon phases.
5th June – World Environment Day 

The United Nation’s principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. This year’s theme is #beatairpollution – check out their powerful video here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1rkBl2KIKAo#
6th June – D-Day 75th Anniversary 

I’m proud to live in Portsmouth, where many heads of state will be attending a commemorative event the day before, on the 5th. It’ll be a great honour, marking the city’s historical importance in the planning and execution of this day 75 years ago, which became a turning point for the Allies in the war. Wherever you live, no matter what nation you come from, please take a moment to reflect on the concept of world peace and personal peace. I believe that we can work together to build a future that inspires us & gives us hope but we’ve got to dig deep and do the work. We’ve got to really know ourselves and take responsibility for our self healing, to heal any residual trauma handed down from our ancestors who may have experienced unimaginable horrors in conflicts of war, not just WWII, which is in our mind right now. Now’s the time to create a future where the lessons of the past and present are finally learnt. If you’re already on this path of self exploration and transformation – thank you. If you’re just embarking on it – I salute you, your courage and your strength. You’re not alone – keep your tribe close and nourish yourself and remember to have fun along the way.  
8th June – World Ocean Day 

A healthy world ocean is critical to our survival. Every year, World Oceans Day provides an opportunity to honor, help protect, and conserve our world’s shared ocean. Find out more here https://www.worldoceansday.org 
8th & 9th June – Brighton Vegan Summer Festival 

Inspiration for anyone looking to live a more animal and earth friendly life. From food & drink, to cleaning products, toiletries, clothes, make up there’s so many options out there. Veggies, vegans and meat eaters looking to reduce their consumption will find inspiration from the 80+ stalls, world food caterers, talks and cookery demos, live entertainment, live music and more.
13th June – Green Drinks, Hotwalls Portsmouth

An informal networking event where environmentally minded people meet over drinks. Started in London in 1989, it’s now running in cities all over the world. This months talk is about fashion and the environment. 
14th June – Autism Show London 

Nobody experiences the world like you do and you will never know another persons world unless you take the time to understand them. This is especially true for the special, unique and gifted people on the autistic spectrum. It’s great that there’s so many wonderful resources out there helping people with autism navigate the world and give their family, friends, careers and teachers the support they need too. 
17th June – Full moon (check local time for where you live) 

Now’s the time to let go and release anything getting in the way of you manifesting the intentions you set at the new moon. Stay aware of your emotions, dreams, hunches, thoughts and energy levels a few days before and after. There’s profound wisdom within you when you quieten the mind and listen.
21st June, 16.54 BST  – Summer Solstice in Northern Hemisphere check local times www.timeanddate.com. Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere 

Longest or shortest day of the year, depending on which Hemisphere you’re in. How do you celebrate it? Why do you celebrate it? Who taught you about it and what does it mean to you? Enjoy yourself and honour our beautiful home, its seasons and cycles – they give us so much abundance after all. 
21st – 23rd June – Unearthed Festival, Pembrokeshire, Wales


A beautiful festival celebrating the expansion of consciousness from the material to the ethereal. I’ll be dancing, chilling round the fire, hanging out with friends, exploring the activities on offer. I’ll be doing a workshop on staying grounded and connected to your higher self in everyday life and a talk about a surfing the Sea of Life topic. Check out my Facebook 
Wow! What a high energy month, a perfect environment for lots of conscious creating for your wellbeing, that of other people, animals and the earth. What are you going to use this fertile energy to create in your life? Comment below and share with anyone you think needs to note these dates. 

Photo credit @rawpixel @pexels 

Guest Blog – Green Corridors & Seed Bombs

As Autumn starts here in the UK, we can harvest the seeds of native flowers in readiness for creating seed bombs to distribute next Spring (responsibly of course!).  If it’s Spring where you are, why not buy some local seeds and get started straight away to help the bees and brighten up any bleak looking green corridors near you.  Special thanks to Louise Grimwood of Grow it for writing this inspiring and fun blog post, suitable for all ages to get involved with. Enjoy………………………..

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I love growing my own food, I love nature and I love bees. My small business Grow it, inspires people to engage with nature and grow their own food.  I love to share my passion with others.  I have a tendency to gush about my passion for nature and I often become embarrassingly over enthusiastic! This is how I met Jen!  We met by chance and she kindly and gently guided me to surf the seas in my life that day.  Jen and I were talking about the joys of growing your own vegetables when my eye was caught by the most beautiful, huge, crimson poppies, swaying in next door’s garden.  I am ALWAYS on the look out for inspiration for Grow it and always thinking about the next season – a trait of any gardener.  I became momentarily distracted by the thought of those huge poppy seed heads dried out in a few months – full of hundreds of seeds.  Nature is SO clever, just waiting for a breezy day to scatter the seeds and start a new life cycle all over again, bringing beauty to the garden and food for bees and insects.  I pointed out the beautiful flowers to Jen and starting gushing about seed bombs!

My interest in seed bombs came about because of my huge admiration for bees. I am aware that the number of honeybees in the UK has halved in the last 25 years.  Honeybees alone pollinate a third of the food we eat, so a further decline in their numbers could have a devastating impact on our diets in the long run.  Loss of wildflower meadows are thought to be one of the major reasons for declines in bees, along with the impacts of pesticides and diseases.   As a gardener, I try to help the bees by planting native trees, shrubs and wild flowers.  The native plants reconnect insect habitats via “green corridors”.  These stepping stones help bees to find food, shelter and breeding opportunities they need to thrive.  Everyone can help, no matter how small their effort, they can become part of the solution.  I have been telling anyone who would listen, that seed bombs are part of the solution.  A very simple, easy idea that will help to create multiple green corridors throughout our neighbourhoods.

How to make seed bombs:

  1. Take a small piece of clay (about 2cm in diameter) and mix it with soil. Mix the soil, clay and a little water thoroughly. 
  2. Shape the ball into a cup and tip in a small pinch of native wild flower seeds into the cup. 
  3. Pinch the edges of the cup together and reform the clay/soil mix back into a ball.
  4. Dry the seed bombs for 24-48 hours in a shady place before sowing or storing.  They can be sown from April to June.
  5. Choose a patch of uncut grass on waste or public ground that you think would look nicer with wild flowers.
  6. Choose a day when rain is forecast and gently toss your seed bombs into the grass.
  7. Don’t bury them or water them. You’ve done your job, now sit back and leave the rest to Mother Nature.  The birds and bees will be delighted!

The clay will protect the seeds until the conditions are right.  When the rain softens the clay, the soil will nurture the seeds and away they go.  So, keep your eye out for native flowers that are coming to the end of their flowering season. When the seed head is dry, gently sip it off and shake it into a paper bag.  Label and store the seeds in a cool, dry place.  Next February, when it is dark and cold and raining, you can start planning for lighter mornings and the herald of Spring.  Looking forward to Spring is one of my personal joys.  Gather your friends, children, grandchildren and friends to make seed bombs.  You’ll have fun and the bees will be extremely grateful.   If everyone sows 2 or 3 seed bombs next Spring, think of the cumulative effect!  We can begin to reverse the habitat destruction and species loss that has occurred over the last century.  Everyone can become part of the solution. 

I hope you enjoy distributing your seed bombs. I look forward to seeing the results as I tiptoe round the green corridors of Hampshire.  I’d love to hear your success stories.  Let me know on my Facebook page Grow it.

Also, if you’re using Instagram tag surfing_the_sea_of_life as Jenni would love to see your pictures.




Happy New Year and how to keep the Spirit of Christmas alive everyday!

As many people pack up their Christmas decorations on the 6th January (before a superstitious belief means they have to leave them up until December 2018), it got me thinking about how we can celebrate Christmas everyday irrespective of whether the decs are still up or not!

1. Send cards, emails, notes or even a carrier pigeon to let friends and family know that you’re thinking of them.

2. If you see a gift that would be perfect for someone you love, why not treat them, randomly. It doesn’t have to cost a lot, you could even make it or give of your time to show them that you get them and care. Learn to speak their love language. As the year goes by, listen to what they say & keep notes to surprise them next year with the perfect gift! Plan to succeed!

3. Reach out to someone who may be lonely, sad or hurting and make sure they’re ok. Compassion and kindness isn’t just for Christmas!

4. Forgive – it might be yourself or another person, let bygones be bygones, build bridges and let the spirit of everyday Christmas lighten your load and watch the world around you shift.

5. Eat and drink food that you love. Feed yourself though with nutritious, tasty & healthy options, ones that won’t leave you feeling sluggish and crying as you step on the scales!

6. Look out for those less fortunate than yourself – the homeless, lonely, sick or impoverished. Everyday choices you make could make a difference to someone who would appreciate a helping hand or lucky break. How about supporting a charity, buy from a not for profit organisation, volunteer your time.

These are just a few things that have sprung to mind as I go to sleep on the night of the 6th and want to share my musings with you. What other things can you do this year to keep the spirit of Christmas alive, everyday, not just from December 2018?

Feeling the fear but doing it anyway – surfing the sea of life lessons from a sunrise sea swim

20819607_1322181594574498_5489522604797950247_oWhen my alarm went off at 5.40am I must admit I did wonder if I could get out of this crazy idea that I’d had a few days before, but, despite the early hour and the lack of sleep the night before, the drive to get out into the sea was stronger than my desire to stay in the warmth and coziness of my bed (and oh, how I do love snoozing).

However, seeing that sunrise was an instant payoff.  I could feel my soul singing in gratitude for being up to see one of natures finest achievements. After the usual battle to get into my wetsuit, reconnecting with fellow members of Portsmouth Triathletes and the obligatory group photo of us 21 brave and determined swimmers, I knew I’d made the right decision to hop out of bed this morning.



Although today was my first sea swim of 2017, a few years ago I was going frequently as I was training for my first full triathlon. Despite loving swimming I  had a fear of swimming in the sea to get over, so, rather than doing it the easy way, I did what all sane people do and booked a sea swimming triathlon for motivation.

Did I do it? Hell yeah! Did I love it? Hell yeah! Am I over my fear of the sea yet? No, not quite but I’m not letting it beat me out of doing what I love. So, how did I manage to get to the starting block and make it round the course?

Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), panic attacks, tears, practice, lots of determination and an incredible group of people supporting me and encouraging me from the shoreline.  Thank you again to all of you who helped me (you know who you are). Special thanks goes to Shirley for customising me a hypnotherapy CD that I listened to every evening and for teaching me a tapping technique that I still use today to help me deal with challenging emotions.

So, of all the days to get back into the sea, I chose a choppy one but that also made it so invigorating. The sound of the wind over the sea, the pull of the water in different directions and not knowing whether the waves were going to crash over me as I was taking an in breath certainly kept me on my toes and totally anchored me in the present moment.  I felt such gratitude for living where I live and being a member of such a great group of people who not only provide support and safety in numbers but lots of fun too. Stopping a few times to catch my breath, taking part in funny photo’s with Debbie, Bob and a few others I met for the first time today, our laughs could be heard up the beach as some of the others were getting out! The best life surfers are definitely the ones having the most fun!


What a great start to the day – exercise, nature, camaraderie & a break from my norm.  After a warming brew, relaxed chats and more silly photos my jaw ached from smiling and laughing so much.  I hope that my arms and legs don’t ache too much tomorrow but it’ll be worth it if they do and a reminder of what I have achieved today. Thank you Debbie Pentland for the great photos.

Although my fear of the sea is still there, I know that I am equipped to embrace it, to work with it to reduce it and keep it in it’s rightful place, as a warning tool.  I also hope to inspire you too to face your fears, not matter what it is, face it.  It’s so much better on the other side. There’s so many inspiring people who have gotten over much bigger fears than mine – look around you, I bet you even know someone who has done something amazing.

There’s lots of support out there, just ask around and be open to exploring new things, just because you don’t know how to do it now doesn’t mean there’s nothing out there for you, it just means you haven’t found it yet. On your marks, get set………go research, your future self will thank you for the steps you take today for your freedom in the future.

Head over to http://www.surfingtheseaoflife.co.uk to find out how I can help you master your energy so that you can master your life.

Oil pulling for health…part 2 

For those of you who don’t know, oil pulling goes back a long way, over 3000 years in fact. It’s an Ayervedic practice that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 5-20 minutes. I choose to use organic coconut oil but others use olive or sesame oil. Once you’ve finishing swishing you spit it out and then brush your teeth. 

It removes bad bacteria and toxins from your mouth which can boost your immune system, aid hormonal balance, help with bad breath, whiten teeth and prevent cavities. It can also brighten your skin and reduce headaches. 

I was motivated to start oil pulling to detox my body, reduce inflammation and give my immune system the support it needs to fight disease and maintain optimal health. 

So, day 1 of week 2 and I’m out of bed straight away and off to the kitchen. I soon realise that I’ve put a bit too much oil in my mouth. As the oil heats up, it expands so it becomes more of a challenge to swish without spurting everywhere! Trying not to laugh at this point is equally challenging. 

Today’s 20 minutes were part meditation and part run through of the day ahead. It felt like a full energetic detox, spiritually, mentally, emotionally as well as physically. 

I pretty much slept walked my way through oil pulling on day 2. My head was so full of stuff that the oil pulling was just going on in the background. It just did its job, despite the fact that I wasn’t paying any attention to it. Have you noticed how easy it is for us to sleep walk through life, doing tasks while thinking of other things. It’s like the time you drive home but don’t remembered the journey?! Pretty scary huh! Or when you walk into a room and forget why you went there? Suddenly my attention was snapped back into the moment as I accidentally squirted some oil out of my mouth! This oil pulling lark comes with this warning!!

As I had more time available to myself on day 3 I gave myself permission to dedicate 100% attention to the act of oil pulling. No multi tasking, no thinking through the day, like a script writer reviews a scene. Oh no Siree, I had 20 minutes focused on everything that I was sensing as I swished, what I was tasting, smelling, feeling in my mouth. As I found my attention drifting away I’d catch myself and with a short “stop it”, like a teacher does with their kids, I’d snap my attention back. If I noticed that I was interacting with my thoughts or my emotions I’d gently remind myself to focus on the dance of sensations happening in my mouth instead! 

Thursday to Sunday’s oil pulling just happened in the background as I got ready for the day ahead. Naturally becoming part of my morning routine. I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to enjoy the full physical benefits of oil pulling but in the short term I’m loving my moment of mindfulness at the start of my day. It’s a great anchor for the day ahead. 

So, who else is giving this oil pulling a go? 

Oil pulling for health…part 1 

My friend and fellow reiki practitioner, life coach & small business coach Rachel Jenkins put a post up about oil pulling this week. She shared an article about its health benefits and asked if anyone did it and what results they were finding (check out my Surfingtheseaoflife Facebook page for the article). Now, I started it in April for 2 months, why I stopped I don’t know but I believed that it was doing me the world of good. I couldn’t recall exactly what benefits I had experienced so thought I might as well document my journey as I got back into it. So, here goes…..

Day 1.
I forgot how much I had enjoyed “me” time while doing it. I’ll be honest, it’s a strange sensation at first putting a solid chunk of oil into your mouth and for it to then start to melt as you swish it around. I probably need to brush up on my swishing technique as I get a little bit lazy at times. It’s a great start to the day, giving me 20 minutes of silence and mindfulness to anchor me for the day ahead. Having started oil pulling again I feel like I’ve met up with a dear friend I haven’t seen for a while. My groovy friend! 

Day 2. 

Right, looks like this habit is happy to stay as I pretty much get out of bed and get my oil straightaway. I even use more oil this morning. I started off giving it all my attention, fully present in the moment and then my mind took over, planning my day ahead. As much as I wanted to be 100% on my oil pulling experience I could tell that this was not going to be one of those days and that was alright. I had a lot on my mind and I wanted to manage it this way. 

Day 3 & 4
Ok, so I was probably a bit premature with the “right, looks like this habit is happy to stay” comment on Friday as it just didn’t work out this weekend. Living out of a van as we went on a road trip I struggled to oil pull even though I took my jar of raw organic coconut oil with me. Never fear, it’s Monday tomorrow, a new day, a new week! Fall off your life surf board Jen and get right back up, a little bit wiser and more focused, ready to have fun and get healthy. Let’s see how I get on over the next week. Tune in next Sunday night for review no 2 of my oil pulling journey. Comment below if you regularly oil pull, what oil do you use and what benefits have you found?